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Equipment Name Table

This table is a summary of all equipment available in the SNF Cleanroom, SNF MOCVD, and SNF-ExFab.
It is sortable by any of the headers in red, by the Equipment Name (typically the company name and processing technique) or Location.


Partial words okay.
Equipment name & NEMO ID Training Required & Charges Processing Techniques Cleanliness Location
AFM Bruker Dimension ICON Bruker Training Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) SNSF X-ray & Surface Analysis Shriram Shriram 99
Aixtron Black Magic graphene CVD furnace
CVD graphene furnace Aixtron Black Magic training
1.00 hours
Graphene CVD Growth Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen L119 Año Nuevo
Aixtron MOCVD - III-N system
MOCVD - III-N Aixtron training
4.00 hours
Metal-Organic (MO) CVD Clean (MOCVD) SNF MOCVD Paul G Allen 213XA
Aixtron MOCVD - III-V system
MOCVD - III-V Aixtron training
4.00 hours
Metal-Organic (MO) CVD Flexible SNF MOCVD Paul G Allen 213XA
AJA Evaporator
Evaporator AJA training
1.00 hours
Evaporation Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 155A Venice
AJA2 Evaporator
Evaporator AJA2 Training
1.00 hours
Evaporation Flexible SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Alveole Primo
Protein patterning Alveole Primo Training
2.00 hours
Protein patterning Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 151 Ocean
AMAT Centurion Epitaxial System
Epitaxial AMAT Centurion Training
4.00 hours
EPI (CVD), Low Pressure (LP) CVD, Hydrogen (H2) Annealing, Doping, Plasma Enhanced (PE) CVD Clean SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
ASML PAS 5500/60 i-line Stepper
Stepper ASML PAS 5500/60 i-line Training
4.00 hours
Stepper All SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Asylum AFM
AFM Asylum Training
4.00 hours
Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 151 Ocean
Biologic SP-300
Potentiostat BioLogic Training Characterization, Other Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 155 Mavericks
CHA Solutions II Evaporator
Evaporator CHA Training
1.00 hours
Evaporation Flexible SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
CMP POLI-400L Training
1.50 hours
Wafer Polishing Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 159 Capitola
Critical Point Dryer Tousimis Automegasamdri-936
Critical Point Dryer Training
2.00 hours
CO2 Drying, Wet Chemical Processing Flexible SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
CytoViva HSI
Cytoviva Training
0.00 hours
Characterization Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 151 Ocean
Dektak XT-S Stylus Profiler SNSF NPC Dektak XT-S Stylus Profiler SNSF NPC Training Step Profile SNSF NPC Spilker suite 6
DISCO Backgrinder
Backgrinder DISCO Training
2.00 hours
Machining Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 159 Capitola
DISCO Wafer Saw
DISCO wafersaw
Wafersaw DISCO training
2.00 hours
Wafer Saw Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 159 Capitola
Epilog Fusion M2 Laser Cutter
Lasercutter Epilog Fusion M2 Training
1.00 hours
Laser Cutting Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 155A Venice
EVG 101 Spray Coater
Spray Coater EVG 101 Training
1.50 hours
Resist Spray Coat (manual) All SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Ex Fab Develop Wet Bench
WbExfab_Dev Training
1.00 hours
Resist Develop (manual), Wet Chemical Processing Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 104 Stinson
Ex Fab Solvent Wet Bench
WbExfab_Solv Training
0.50 hours
Solvent Cleaning, Metal Lift-off, Wet Chemical Processing Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 104 Stinson
Fiji 1 ALD
ALD Fiji 1 and 2 Training
2.00 hours
Plasma Enhanced (PE) ALD Semiclean SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Fiji 2 ALD
ALD Fiji 1 and 2 Training
2.00 hours
Plasma Enhanced (PE) ALD Flexible SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Fiji 3 ALD
ALD Fiji 3 Training
2.00 hours
Plasma Enhanced (PE) ALD Flexible SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Finetech Lambda
Flip Chip Bonder Training
1.00 hours
Bonding Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 104 Stinson
First Nano carbon nanotube CVD furnace
cvd-nanotube training
3.00 hours
Carbon Nanotube CVD Growth Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen L119 Año Nuevo
Fisher Accuspin 24C
Centrifuge Training Centrifugation Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 155 Mavericks
Flexus 2320 Stress Tester
Stress Tester Flexus 2320 Training
0.75 hours
Film Stress Measurement All SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Formlabs Form2 3D Printer
3D Printer Form2 Training 3D Printing Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 155 Mavericks
Fujifilm Dimatix Ink Jet Printer
Ink Jet Printer Dimatix Training
7.00 hours
Ink Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 155 Mavericks
Fumehood 1
Fumehood 1 Training Controlled Environment Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 155 Mavericks
Fumehood 2
Fumehood 2 Training
0.00 hours
Controlled Environment Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 155 Mavericks
Fumehood 3
Fumehood 3 Training
0.00 hours
Controlled Environment Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 155 Mavericks
Fumehood 4
Fumehood 4 Training
0.00 hours
Controlled Environment Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 155 Mavericks
Gasonics Aura Asher
Resist Removal Dry Gasonics Training Downstream/Remote Plasma Resist Removal, Downstream/Remote Plasma Etching Clean, Semiclean SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Glovebox-l Training Controlled Environment Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 155 Mavericks
Glovebox-r Training Controlled Environment, Material Transfer Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 155 Mavericks
Headway 3 Manual Resist Spinner
Resist Coat (manual) Headway 3 Training
1.00 hours
Resist Coat (manual) All SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 104 Stinson
Headway Manual Resist Spinner
Resist Coat (manual) Headway Manual Training
1.00 hours
Resist Coat (manual) All SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Heidelberg MLA 150
Heidelberg Training
2.00 hours
Direct Write All SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 104 Stinson
Heidelberg MLA 150 - 2
Heidelberg Training
2.00 hours
Direct Write All SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
HMDS Vapor Prime Oven, YES
YES Prime Oven Training Wafer Prime (HMDS), Singe All SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
HMDS Vapor Prime Oven, YES2
Exfab YES2 HMDS oven training
0.00 hours
Wafer Prime (HMDS) All SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 104 Stinson
Hummer V Sputter Coater
Hummer V Sputter Coater Training
1.00 hours
Sputtering Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 104 Stinson
Ika T18 Disperser
IKA Disperser Training Sonication Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 155 Mavericks
Intlvac Evaporator
Evaporator Intlvac Training
2.00 hours
Evaporation Clean, Semiclean SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Jasco UV-Vis-NIR
Jasco UV-Vis-NIR Training Characterization Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 151 Ocean
Karl Suss MA-6 Contact Aligner
Contact Aligner Karl Suss MA-6 Training
1.50 hours
Contact Aligner All SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Karl Suss MA-6 Contact Aligner
Contact Aligner Karl Suss MA-6 Training
1.50 hours
Contact Aligner All SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Keyence Digital Microscope VHX-6000
Microscope Keyence Training
1.00 hours
Microscopy All SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 104 Stinson
KJL Evaporator 1 KJL Evaporator 1 Training
1.00 hours
Evaporation SNSF NPC Spilker suite 6
Lakeshore Hall Measurement System
Lakeshore Hall Measurement System training
3.00 hours
Sheet Resistance Measurement, Hall measurement All SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 151 Ocean
Lam Research TCP 9400 Poly Etcher
Lam Research TCP 9400 Poly Etcher Training
1.00 hours
Inductively Coupled Plasma Etching (ICP) Clean, Semiclean SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Laurell Manual Resist Spinner
Laurell Manual Resist Spinner Training
1.00 hours
Resist Coat (manual) All SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
LEI1500 Contactless Sheet Resistance Mapping
LEI1500 Contactless Sheet Resistance Mapping Training
1.00 hours
Sheet Resistance Measurement All SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 151 Ocean
Lesker Sputter
Sputter Lesker 1&2 Training
1.00 hours
Sputtering Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 155A Venice
Lesker2 Sputter
Sputter Lesker 1&2 Training
1.00 hours
Sputtering Semiclean SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Malvern Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) Zetasizer
Malvern Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) Zetasizer Training Dynamic Light Scattering Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 155 Mavericks
Mask Scrubber
Mask Scrubber Training Mask Cleaning (manual), Wet Chemical Processing All SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Matrix Plasma Resist Strip
Matrix Plasma Resist Strip Training
0.50 hours
Downstream/Remote Plasma Resist Removal, Downstream/Remote Plasma Etching Flexible SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
micromanipulator6000 IV-CV probe station
micromanipulator6000 IV-CV probe station Training
0.50 hours
Characterization All SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 151 Ocean
Minitech-GX Micromill
Micromill Training
1.00 hours
Micromilling Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 155A Venice
MRC Reactive Ion Etcher
MRC Reactive Ion Etcher Training
1.00 hours
Reactive Ion Etching (RIE) Flexible SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
MVD Training
3.00 hours
Thermal ALD Flexible SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Nanoscribe Photonics GT
Nanoscribe Photonics GT Training
2.00 hours
Patterning, 3D Printing Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 104 Stinson
Nanospec 210XP
Nanospec Training
0.25 hours
Reflectometry All SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 104 Stinson
Nanospec 3
Nanospec 3 Training Reflectometry All SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Optomec Printer
Optomec Printer Training
14.00 hours
Ink Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 155A Venice
Oriel Deep UV Exposure Lamp
Oriel DUV Training Other Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 155A Venice
Oven (White)
White Oven Training
0.50 hours
Oven Bake Flexible SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Oven 110°C post-bake
Resist Postbake Oven 110°C Training Resist Post Bake All SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Oven 90°C prebake
Resist Prebake Oven 90°C Training Resist Prebake All SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Oven BlueM 200°C to 430°C
Blue M Oven Training
0.50 hours
Oven Bake Flexible SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Oxford Dielectric Etcher
Oxford Dielectric Etcher Training
1.00 hours
Reactive Ion Etching (RIE) Flexible SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Oxford III-V etcher
Oxford III-V etcher Training
1.50 hours
Inductively Coupled Plasma Etching (ICP) Flexible SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Oxford Plasma Pro ICP-RIE
Ox-gen etcher Training
1.50 hours
Inductively Coupled Plasma Etching (ICP) Clean SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
PDMS Hotplate
PDMS Hotplate Training
0.00 hours
Other Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 155 Mavericks
PDMS Spin Coater
PDMS Spin Coater Training
0.00 hours
Patterning Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 155 Mavericks
PDMS Workbench PDMS Workbench Training Deposition Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 155 Mavericks
PDS 2010 LABCOTERâ„¢ 2 Parylene Deposition System
Parylene Coater Training
3.00 hours
Deposition Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 155 Mavericks
Plasma Therm Versaline LL ICP Deep Silicon Etcher
Plasma Therm Versaline LL ICP Deep Silicon Etcher Training
1.50 hours
Inductively Coupled Plasma Etching (ICP) Flexible SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Plasma Therm Versaline LL ICP Dielectric Etcher
Plasma Therm Versaline LL ICP Dielectric Etcher Training
1.50 hours
Inductively Coupled Plasma Etching (ICP) Flexible SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Plasma Therm Versaline LL ICP Metal Etcher
Plasma Therm Versaline LL ICP Metal Etcher Training
1.50 hours
Inductively Coupled Plasma Etching (ICP) Flexible SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Plasmaetch PE-50
Plasmaetch PE-50 Training
0.50 hours
Reactive Ion Etching (RIE) Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 155A Venice
PlasmaTherm Shuttlelock PECVD System
PlasmaTherm Shuttlelock PECVD System Training
1.00 hours
Plasma Enhanced (PE) CVD All SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
PlasmaTherm Versaline HDP CVD System
PlasmaTherm Versaline HDP CVD System Training
1.00 hours
Plasma Enhanced (PE) CVD All SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Profilometer Alphastep 500
Alphastep 500 Profilometer Training
0.25 hours
Step Profile Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 104 Stinson
Profilometer AlphaStep D-300
AlphaStep2 Training
0.25 hours
Step Profile Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 104 Stinson
Prometrix Resistivity Mapping System
Prometrix Training
0.50 hours
Sheet Resistance Measurement All SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
QSonica Q700 Sonicator
Probe Sonicator Training Sonication Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 155 Mavericks
Reflectance Spectrometer Filmetrics F40
Reflectance Spectrometer Filmetrics F40 Training Reflectometry All SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
RTA AllWin 610
AllWin 610 RTA Training
1.00 hours
Rapid Thermal Annealing Clean SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
RTA AllWin 610
AllWin 610 RTA Training
1.00 hours
Rapid Thermal Annealing Flexible SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Samco PC300 Plasma Etch System
Samco Training
0.50 hours
Plasma Mode Etching, Reactive Ion Etching (RIE), Downstream/Remote Plasma Resist Removal Flexible SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Savannah ALD
ALD Savannah Training
1.50 hours
Thermal ALD Flexible SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
SEM -Zeiss Merlin
SEM-Merlin Training
2.00 hours
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) All SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 104 Stinson
Sensofar S-neox
Sensofar S-neox Training
1.00 hours
Optical Profilometer, Interferometry All SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Sinton Lifetime Tester
Sinton Lifetime Tester Training
1.00 hours
Minority Carrier Characterization Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 151 Ocean
Solidscape Wax 3D Printer
Solidscape 3D Wax Printer Training 3D Printing Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 151 Ocean
SPF Measurement Bench SPF Measurement Bench Training Characterization SNF SPF Paul G Allen 138 SPF
SPTS uetch vapor etch
SPTS uetch vapor etch Training
0.50 hours
Vapor Etching All SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
SVG Develop Track 1
SVG Resist Develop tracks 1 and 2 Training
0.50 hours
Resist Develop (automatic) All SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
SVG Develop Track 2
SVG Resist Develop tracks 1 and 2 Training
0.50 hours
Resist Develop (automatic) All SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
SVG Resist Coat Track 1
SVG Resist Coat Tracks 1 and 2 Training
1.25 hours
Resist Coat (automatic) All SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
SVG Resist Coat Track 2
SVG Resist Coat Tracks 1 and 2 Training
1.25 hours
Resist Coat (automatic) All SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Technics Asher
Technics Asher Training
0.50 hours
Dry Resist Removal, Dry Etching Flexible SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Tencor P2 Profilometer
Tencor P2 Profilometer Training
0.50 hours
Step Profile Clean, Semiclean SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Thermoscientific Oven
Thermoscientific Oven Training
0.00 hours
Other Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 155 Mavericks
Thinky AR-100 Mixer
Thinky Mixer Training Other Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 155 Mavericks
Tystar Bank 1 Tube 1 Anneal
B1T1 Flexible Oxide
Tystar Atmospheric Tube Training
2.00 hours
Oxide Growth (furnace) Flexible SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Tystar Bank 1 Tube 2
B1T2 Flexible Oxide
Tystar Atmospheric Tube Training
2.00 hours
Oxide Growth (furnace), Annealing (furnace) Flexible SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Tystar Bank 1 Tube 3 Poly
B1T3 Flexible Poly
Tystar LPCVD Tube Training
2.00 hours
Low Pressure (LP) CVD Flexible SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Tystar Bank 1 Tube 4 LTO
B1T4 Flexible LTO
Tystar LPCVD Tube Training
2.00 hours
Low Pressure (LP) CVD Flexible SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Tystar Bank 2 Tube 5
B2T5 Clean Anneal
Tystar Atmospheric Tube Training
2.00 hours
Oxide Growth (furnace) Clean SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Tystar Bank 2 Tube 6
B2T6 Clean Oxide
Tystar Atmospheric Tube Training
2.00 hours
Oxide Growth (furnace) Clean SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Tystar Bank 2 Tube 7 Nitride
B2T7 Clean Nitride
Tystar LPCVD Tube Training
2.00 hours
Low Pressure (LP) CVD Clean SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Tystar Bank 2 Tube 8 LTO
B2T8 Clean LTO
Tystar LPCVD Tube Training
2.00 hours
Low Pressure (LP) CVD Clean SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Tystar Bank 3 Tube 10 Nitride
B3T10 Clean Nitride
Tystar LPCVD Tube Training
2.00 hours
Low Pressure (LP) CVD Clean SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Tystar Bank 3 Tube 11 TEOS
B3T11 Clean TEOS
Tystar LPCVD Tube Training
2.00 hours
Low Pressure (LP) CVD Clean SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Tystar Bank 3 Tube 12 Poly
B3T12 Clean Poly
Tystar LPCVD Tube Training
2.00 hours
Low Pressure (LP) CVD Clean SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Tystar Bank 3 Tube 9
B3T9 Clean Oxide
Tystar Atmospheric Tube Training
2.00 hours
Oxide Growth (furnace) Clean SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Ultraviolet Photoresist Cure
Ultraviolet Photoresist Cure Training Resist UV Cure All SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Voltera Training Patterning, Ink Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 151 Ocean
Wet Bench Clean 1
Wet Bench Clean1and2 Training
2.00 hours
Pre-Diffusion Clean, Pre-LPCVD or Pre-Metal Clean, Wet Chemical Processing Clean SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Wet Bench Clean 2
Wet Bench Clean1and2 Training
2.00 hours
Pre-Diffusion Clean, Pre-LPCVD or Pre-Metal Clean, Wet Chemical Processing Clean SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Wet Bench Clean_res- hotphos
Wet Bench Clean Piranha/HF/Phosphoric Training
2.25 hours
Silicon Nitride Wet Etching, Wet Chemical Processing Clean SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Wet Bench Clean_res-hf
Wet Bench Clean Piranha/HF/Phosphoric Training
2.25 hours
Silicon Oxide Wet Etching, Wet Chemical Processing Clean SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Wet Bench Clean_res-piranha
Wet Bench Clean Piranha/HF/Phosphoric Training
2.25 hours
Piranha Cleaning, Wet Resist Removal, Wet Chemical Processing Clean SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Wet Bench CMOS Metal
Wet Bench CMOS Metal (wbclean3) Training Aluminum and Titanium and Tungsten Wet Etching, Wet Chemical Processing Semiclean SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Wet Bench Decontamination
Wet Bench Decontamination Training Decontamination, Wet Chemical Processing Clean SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Wet Bench Flexcorr 1
Wet Bench Flexcorr 1and2 and 3and4 Training
2.00 hours
Decontamination, Metal Clean, Piranha Cleaning, Wet Resist Removal, Acid or Base Wet Etching, Aluminum and Titanium and Tungsten Wet Etching, Silicon Wet Etching, Silicon Oxide Wet Etching, Wet Chemical Processing Flexible SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Wet Bench Flexcorr 2
Wet Bench Flexcorr 1and2 and 3and4 Training
2.00 hours
Acid or Base Wet Etching, Piranha Cleaning, Wet Chemical Processing Flexible SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Wet Bench Flexcorr 3
Wet Bench Flexcorr 1and2 and 3and4 Training
2.00 hours
Acid or Base Wet Etching, Piranha Cleaning, Wet Chemical Processing Flexible SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Wet Bench Flexcorr 4
Wet Bench Flexcorr 1and2 and 3and4 Training
2.00 hours
Acid or Base Wet Etching, Piranha Cleaning, Wet Chemical Processing Flexible SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Wet Bench Flexible Solvents
Wet Bench Flexible Solvents 1 and 2 Training
0.50 hours
Solvent Cleaning, Wet Resist Removal, Metal Lift-off Flexible SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Wet Bench Flexible Solvents 1
Wet Bench Flexible Solvents 1 and 2 Training
0.50 hours
Solvent Cleaning, Wet Resist Removal, Wet Chemical Processing Flexible SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Wet Bench Flexible Solvents 2
Wet Bench Flexible Solvents 1 and 2 Training
0.50 hours
Solvent Cleaning, Wet Resist Removal, Wet Chemical Processing Flexible SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Wet Bench Miscellaneous
Wet Bench Miscellaneous Photoresist Training Resist Develop (manual), Wet Chemical Processing Flexible SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Wet Bench Resist Strip
Wet Bench Resist Strip
0.75 hours
Wet Resist Removal, Wet Chemical Processing Clean (Ge), Semiclean, Flexible SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Wet Bench Solvent Lithography
Lithography Solvent Bench Training Solvent Cleaning, Wet Chemical Processing Flexible SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Woollam Training
1.00 hours
Ellipsometry All SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Xactix Xenon Difluoride Etcher
Xactix Xenon Difluoride Etcher Training
0.50 hours
Vapor Etching All SNF Paul G Allen L107 Cleanroom
Xplore Micro Compounder
Micro Compounder training
0.00 hours
Other Flexible SNF Exfab Paul G Allen 159 Capitola
Last modified: 9 Feb 2024