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Oven (White) (white-oven)


For LOL2000 bake or bakes which are not allowed in the other ovens and need higher temperatures, up to 200C. This oven is programmable.


Processing Technique(s)

Capabilities and Specifications

Process Temperature Range: 
0 °C - 200 °C

For LOL2000 bake or bakes which are not allowed in the other ovens and need higher temperatures, up to 200C, programmable.

Lab Organization, Location, and NEMO Information

Training and Maintenance

Lab Facility: 
Training Charges: 
0.50 hours
Primary Trainer: 
Backup Trainer(s): 
Primary Maintenance: 
Backup Maintenance: 

Steps to become a tool user

  1. Become a member of SNF.
  1. "All Litho" class is required before training on any of the lithography tools. Please send an email to to sign up for the All Litho class. Read more here: All Litho class.
  2. Contact the primary trainer: Cliff Knollenberg