micromanipulator6000 IV-CV probe station (micromanipulator6000)
Micromanipulator6000 is a four-probe electrical test station. With a Keysight B1500A Semiconductor Device Analyzer, it is capable of both I-V (Current-Voltage) and C-V (Capacitance-Voltage) measurements.
What the Tool CAN do
Easy and fast yet accurate IV and CV measurements by automated connection change by the SCUU: SMU3 and SMU4 are switched between IV and CV measurement modes automatically by SCUU, while SMU1 and SMU2 can be used for IV measurement only
IV measurement resolution 30 pA with SMU3 and SMU4 (100 pA with SMU1 and SMU2), CV measurement resolution 0.3 pF
100 V DC bias due to the addition of SCUU; Up to 250 mVrms signal level; CV measurement in multi frequency from 1 kHz to 5 MHz with minimum 1 mHz frequency resolution
Shadowing is required. Contact a qualified lab member of the tool to arrange to ‘shadow’. It would be best to find someone who has used the system often. If you don’t know of anyone, you may check reservations or history to find a qualified user. We recommend that you be with the lab member for the full time while operating the tool and ask lots of questions during the shadowing. You may have to shadow a qualified user more than one time to be comfortable with the tool. Please follow the instructions on this form: Shadowing at SNF