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HMDS Vapor Prime Oven, YES (yes)


The YES prime oven dehydrates the wafers at 150ºC and primes the wafers using HMDS (Hexamethyldisilazane) allowing better coverage and adhesion between oxides and resists.


Capabilities and Specifications

Process Temperature Range: 
150 ºC

Two programs: Singe and HMDS prime or Singe only. No Resist allowed!

Lab Facility, Location, and NEMO Information

Training and Maintenance

Lab Facility: 
Primary Trainer: 
Primary Maintenance: 
Backup Maintenance: 

Steps to become a tool user

  1. Become a member of SNF.
  1. "All Litho" class is required before training on any of the lithography tools. Please send an email to to sign up for the All Litho class. Read more here: All Litho class.
  2. Study the relevant operating procedures:
  3. Shadowing is required. Contact a qualified lab member of the tool to arrange to ‘shadow’. It would be best to find someone who has used the system often. If you don’t know of anyone, you may check reservations or SNF usage to find a qualified user. We recommend that you be with the lab member for the full time while operating the tool and ask lots of questions during the shadowing. You may have to shadow a qualified user more than one time to be comfortable with the tool. Please follow the instructions on this form: Shadowing at SNF
  4. Contact the primary trainer: Cliff Knollenberg

Operating Instructions