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Heidelberg Training

Lab Facility: 
Training Charges: 
2.00 hours
Primary Trainer: 
Primary Maintenance: 

Steps to become a tool user

  1. Become a member of SNF.
  1. "All Litho" class is required before training on any of the lithography tools. Please send an email to to sign up for the All Litho class. Read more here: All Litho class.
  2. Contact the primary trainer.
    Please send the following information - substrate size and type, types of resists, resist thickness(es), minimum feature size, substrate relief (i.e., highest point – lowest point on substrate in the Z direction), Special situations - Whether you are planning to tape the substrate to another substrate etc
  3. Once you send me the information, read the materials and watched the videos, please shadow a user atleast 2 times. It is best to shadow a user who has similar substrate dimension as yours. After the first shadowing, please go through the reading material again. Please shadow twice. Once you have done the shadowing, please let me know. The next step would be tool training  session.