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Formlabs Form2 3D Printer (form2-3d-printer)


Form2 3D printer is a stereolithography (SLA) 3D printer. It has a 250mW, 405nm laser with a spot size of about 140 microns. The maximum dimensions of a part that it can make is about 14.5x14.5x17.5cm. It takes .stl file format for input file. The layer thickness can range from 25um to 100um. There are a variety of approved resins that can be used. We also have Formwash and Formcure to wash and cure your parts post printing. Please contact Swaroop Kommera for more details.

Once you are trained on the tool, please join the tool discussion list. The instruction and the lists are located at


5/27/2020 **Please note: The Form2 has been moved to Mavericks (Room 155)**


Processing Technique(s)

Capabilities and Specifications

Maximum Load: 
Multiple parts - depending on the final part size

Lab Facility, Location, and NEMO Information

Lab Facility: 
NEMO Area (ExFab by room): 

Training and Maintenance

Lab Facility: 
Primary Trainer: 

Steps to become a tool user

  1. Become a member of SNF.
  1. Contact the primary trainer: Swaroop Kommera