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Solidscape Wax 3D Printer (3d-wax-printer)


The Solidscape 3d Wax Printer is an extrusion printer capable of printing wax molds with 6 um precision and a minimum feature size of 200 um. Molds can be melted at 100 ºC. Typical printing times are 5 min/mm^3, not including calibration and cleaning steps at the beginning of each print (~1 hr). Using .stl files for 3d model input, the helper program 3ZWorks creates a .3zs job file which can be directly loaded into the printer via flashdrive.

5/27/20 **PLEASE NOTE- this has been moved out of Mavericks  (Room 155) and into Ocean (Room 151)**


Processing Technique(s)

Lab Facility, Location, and NEMO Information

Lab Facility: 
NEMO Area (ExFab by room): 

Training and Maintenance

Lab Facility: 
Primary Trainer: 
Primary Maintenance: 

Steps to become a tool user

  1. Become a member of SNF.
  1. Contact the primary trainer: Swaroop Kommera

Operating Instructions