PROM Request Title | PROM Date | PROM Request Summary | Equipment List | PROM Decision |
Use of Aquapel in SNF | 05/15/2015 | Request to use Aquapel in SNF. | Wet Bench Miscellaneous (wbmiscres) | Request approved. |
Ge2Sb2Te6 Sputter Target for Metallica | 04/23/2015 | Request for new GST target to be used on Metallica. | Request approved. | |
Use of AZ Siloxane Negative Tone Resist | 04/14/2015 | Request to use AZ Siloxane S06.106 negative tone resist. | Request approved. Bottle inventory for the group will be managed to 7 bottles. Please contact PROM Committee (snf-promcommittee at lists dot stanford dot edu) for more information. | |
Al2O3 ALD on TMD in MVD Savannah | 04/13/2015 | Request to do Al2O3 capping of exoliated TMD structures in an inert environment. | Request approved. | |
OSCoR SL Stripper 200 | 04/03/2015 | Request to use Stripper 200 and supporting chemicals in order to enable processing on organic electronic materials. | Request approved. | |
Lampoly HBr/Cl2/O2 etching of silicon on lithium niobate | 03/30/2015 | Request to etch Si on lithium niobate substrate. Contamination plan documented. | Lam Research TCP 9400 Poly Etcher (lampoly) | Request approved. Data to be reviewed by PROM committee. |
Use of AZ 125nxt photoresist | 03/25/2015 | Request to use AZ 125nxt resist in headway, karl suss, and SVG dev. |
Headway Manual Resist Spinner (headway2), Karl Suss MA-6 Contact Aligner (karlsuss), SVG Develop Track 1 (svgdev) |
Request approved. |
AZ1518 Photoresist and AZ300MIF Developer in SNF | 03/23/2015 | Request to bring new AZ1518 resist and corresponding AZ300MIF developer. | Request approved. | |
Wafers from outside fab to process in SNF clean tools | 03/19/2015 | Data submission as per SNF contamination policy. |
Wet Bench Clean 1 (wbclean-1), Fiji 1 ALD (fiji1) |
Request approved. |
Process flow for etching Silicon Germanium on contaminated wafers with aluminum in LAMpoly (clean) | 03/16/2015 | Request to modify contamination policy and allow contaminated wafers on clean etcher. | Lam Research TCP 9400 Poly Etcher (lampoly) | Request approved for data collection. Data will be reviewed by PROM committee. |