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ProM Request archive

This is an archive of requests from 2013 to 2021. New requests are not being added here.
PROM Request Title PROM Date PROM Request Summary Equipment List PROM Decision
MasterBond UV15LV 06/23/2015 Request to use MasterBond UV15LV in Laurell in wafer saw room. Request approved.
Hot wet etch for SiC 06/20/2015 Request to use hot HF:HNO3 solution to etch silicon carbide. Wet Bench Flexcorr 1 (wbflexcorr-1) Request rejected due to safety concerns.
Request to use Langatate material in the SNF 06/19/2015 Request to bring in new material (Langatate) and develop HSQ bonding procedure. Headway Manual Resist Spinner (headway2) Request approved.
ALD on thermally reduced graphene oxide in Fiji2 06/09/2015 Request to bring graphene oxide on diamond wafers into SNF for processing on Fiji2. Fiji 2 ALD (fiji2),
PlasmaTherm Shuttlelock PECVD System (ccp-dep)
Request approved.
Request to spin Teflon on Headway 06/09/2015 Request to spin Teflon on Headway. Headway Manual Resist Spinner (headway2) Request approved.
Nafion dispersion D1021 in SNF 06/09/2015 Request to bring Nafion D1021 into SNF to coat in Metallica and etch in Drytek2. Nafion to be dipsersed outside of SNF. SVG Resist Coat Track 1 (svgcoat),
Karl Suss MA-6 Contact Aligner (karlsuss)
Request approved. Requestors will work with Usha to develop etch recipe.
Hybrid nanocomposite synthesis with polyimides 06/02/2015 Request to bring new polyimide materials into the SNF. Savannah ALD (savannah),
Fiji 2 ALD (fiji2),
Headway Manual Resist Spinner (headway2)
Request approved.
Processing of Thulium Doped Structures 05/27/2015 Request to use wafers with Thulium doping in litho, etch, and cleans. Contamination evaluation plan documented. Plasma Therm Versaline LL ICP Metal Etcher (PT-MTL),
Plasma Therm Versaline LL ICP Dielectric Etcher (PT-Ox)
Request approved. VPD ICPMS results to be reviewed by the PROM Committee.
Request to deposit amorphous TiO2 on SrTiO3 and LiNbO3 substrates in Inlvac-spt 05/20/2015 Request to do new film development on Intlvac-spt using new substrates (SrTiO3 and LiNbO3) Request approved. Purchase and use of dedicated wafer holder required.
Cyclotene XUS Replenishment 05/18/2015 Request to bring in new bottle of Cyclotene XUS. Request approved. Please contact PROM Committee (snf-promcommittee at lists dot stanford dot edu) for more information
