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ProM Request archive

This is an archive of requests from 2013 to 2021. New requests are not being added here.
PROM Request Title PROM Date PROM Request Summary Equipment List PROM Decision
Modified Process on STS 09/23/2015 Use STS to generate Ni catalyst balls from thin film. Request approved. No equipment modifications will be allowed.
FFEM LCD Resist and Developer for Lithography 09/23/2015 Use of SK6000 resist and CD-2060 developer and storage of chemicals for 2 weeks. Headway Manual Resist Spinner (headway2) Request approved.
Microchem PRL for Lithography 09/23/2015 Use of Microchem PRL and storage of chemical for 2 weeks. Headway Manual Resist Spinner (headway2),
Karl Suss MA-6 Contact Aligner (karlsuss),
Oven (White) (white-oven)
Request approved.
Toray Light Shielding Material for Lithography 09/23/2015 Use of TABK-5000 and storage of chemical for 2 weeks. Headway Manual Resist Spinner (headway2),
Karl Suss MA-6 Contact Aligner (karlsuss),
Oven (White) (white-oven)
Request approved.
Use of SB-5000L 09/14/2015 Request to use SB-5000L Color Resist in SNF. Request approved. Please contact PROM Committee (snf-promcommittee at lists dot stanford dot edu) for more information
CMP of PbS 09/14/2015 Request to use CMP to polish PbS film. CMP GnP POLI-400L (cmp) Request approved.
LixAlyOz ALD 09/03/2015 Request to make Lithium-Aluminum-Oxide in Savannah. Savannah ALD (savannah),
Woollam (woollam)
Request approved. Savannah chamber will need to be sent for cleaning after processing.
ITO Sputtering Target in Metallica 09/02/2015 Request to use ITO sputtering target in Metallica. Request approved. Recipes with O2 will require coordination of equipment modification with staff.
Exnodes PROM 08/31/2015 Request to use cleanroom space to conduct demo of users' equipment. Request approved. Minimum 3 hours staff time will be charged.
Ferritin from Equine Spleen 08/17/2015 Request to use Ferritin in SNF as a catalyst for CNT growth. First Nano carbon nanotube CVD furnace (cvd-nanotube) Request approved. Wet processing before CNT furnace to be performed in nSiL lab outside of SNF.
