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ProM Request archive

This is an archive of requests from 2013 to 2021. New requests are not being added here.
PROM Request Title PROM Date PROM Request Summary Equipment List PROM Decision
HF wet etch to peel off PMMA film embedding graphene composites 02/23/2015 Request to use wb-flexcorr to undercut and remove film with encpsulated graphene oxide particles. Wet Bench Flexcorr 1 (wbflexcorr-1) Request approved.
PbS in Fiji3 02/20/2015 Request to use Fiji3 for processing of PbS films on carrier wafer. Fiji 3 ALD (fiji3) Request approved. As long as carrier wafer is used, processing on Fiji3 permitted even after Fiji2 is up.
Ultrasol 201A CMP Slurry 02/19/2015 Request to use new slurry for Al CMP in SNF. CMP GnP POLI-400L (cmp) Request approved. Slurry storage will not be in CMP room.
Al2O3 ALD on K(Co)-doped BaFe2As2 02/18/2015 Request to introduce new materials into SNF. Fiji 3 ALD (fiji3) Request approved for Fiji2 at temperatures below 180C.
Ladder Polymers and Solvent 02/18/2015 Request to pattern and etch polymer film inside the SNF. Polymer deposition and solvent usage to be performed OUTSIDE the SNF. Request approved. Dedicated glassware required.
Annealing Thulium doped samples 02/13/2015 Request to anneal Thulium doped samples in tylan 9 and aw150-r. Request approved. Oxidation cycle required after anneal in furnace.
SiO2 films on Si wafers soaked in IPA solvent 02/13/2015 Request to bring wet samples soaked in IPA into the SNF. Approved. Please contact PROM Committee (snf-promcommittee at lists dot stanford dot edu) for more information.
Lampoly HBr/Cl2/O2 etching of silicon on lithium niobiate 02/07/2015 Request to introduce lithium niobiate substrate into SNF etchers. Lam Research TCP 9400 Poly Etcher (lampoly) Pending contamination study documentation.
Contamination Study of Semi-Clean SiGe in LAMpoly 02/02/2015 Request to perform contamination study of Semi-Clean SiGe in LAMpoly. Lam Research TCP 9400 Poly Etcher (lampoly),
CMP GnP POLI-400L (cmp)
Approved for study. Resubmission is required after data is collected. // Update 2/18/15: TiN layer deposition at Berkeley is approved due to extended Fiji1 downtime. // Update 3/31/15: Contamination data appended. Process flow is approved.
Use of toluene at Headway 01/15/2015 Request to use toluene in SNF. Headway Manual Resist Spinner (headway2) Approved. Even though there will be no chemical storage in the SNF, chemicals must be logged and a yellow sticker placed on the bottle while in use in the SNF.
