PROM Request Title | PROM Date | PROM Request Summary | Equipment List | PROM Decision |
Etching FOx-22 in PT-MTL | 07/25/2014 | Request to etch FOx-22 spin on glass in PT-MTL etcher. | Plasma Therm Versaline LL ICP Metal Etcher (PT-MTL) | Approved. PT-Ox recommended due to CHF3 availability but material is approved for PT-MTL. |
Etching Cytop 809M in PT-Ox | 07/25/2014 | Request to etch Cytop spin on glass in PT-Ox etcher. | Plasma Therm Versaline LL ICP Dielectric Etcher (PT-Ox) | Approved. |
Use of Crystal Bond 509-HMP in Lampoly | 07/15/2014 | Request to use Crystal Bond 509 to mount chips on wafer in Lampoly etcher. | Lam Research TCP 9400 Poly Etcher (lampoly) | Conditional approval. Crystal Bond use requires additional characterization and procedure definition. Alternatives proposed. |
Use of Crystalbond 555 in Lampoly | 07/15/2014 | Request to use Crystal Bond 555 to mount chips on wafer in Lampoly etcher. |
AMAT P5000 Etcher (p5000etch), Lam Research TCP 9400 Poly Etcher (lampoly) |
Conditional approval. Crystal Bond use requires additional characterization and procedure definition. Alternatives proposed. |
GaAs processing and citric acid introduction | 06/25/2014 | Request to use GaAs substrates in gold contamination level tools and to bring in citric acid. | Wet Bench Flexcorr 1 (wbflexcorr-1) | Approved. |
Use of Copper Mask in SF6/O2 chemistry in PT-MTL | 06/10/2014 | Request to use copper as a masking layer for etch in PT-MTL using SF6/O2 chemistry. | Plasma Therm Versaline LL ICP Metal Etcher (PT-MTL) | Rejected. Risks to both equipment and subsequent users deemed too high. Efforts to find alternative path ongoing. |
Lanthanum Hexaboride (LaB6) and Cerium Hexaboride (CeB6) Sputtering in Metalica | 06/02/2014 | Request for new sputtering targets (LaB6 and CeB6) for use in Metalica | Approved. | |
Request for use of glass wafer cleaning detergent | 05/29/2014 | Request to use Alconex Detergent 8 and Borer Chemie AG Deconex NS-x to clean glass wafers for particle removal. | Approved. 1 gallon chemical needs to be poured into smaller amber bottle for storage in the lab. | |
CLK-820 | 05/16/2014 | Request to use J.T. Baker CLK-820 photoresist stripper for Cu on an ongoing basis. | Wet Bench Flexcorr 1 (wbflexcorr-1) | Approved. |
Resist in HF vapor etcher | 05/07/2014 | Request to use resist covered wafer in HF vapor etcher (currently not allowed). | Approved. Final call on processing to be determined by Gary Yama. |