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ProM Request archive

This is an archive of requests from 2013 to 2021. New requests are not being added here.
PROM Request Title PROM Date PROM Request Summary Equipment List PROM Decision
Dichlorosilane processing on Fiji1 09/22/2014 Request to use DCS precursor on Fiji1. Fiji 1 ALD (fiji1) Approved with modifications. Clarifications regarding DCS monitoring during processing added.
PS-OH use in SNF 09/18/2014 Request to use PS-OH polymer in SNF. Headway Manual Resist Spinner (headway2) Approved.
UV Cured adhesive use 08/29/2014 Request to use NOA89 or NOA75 in SNF. Approved.
Ionic Liquid on Woollam 08/13/2014 Request to use measure non-hazardous liquid electrolyte on Woollam. Woollam (woollam) Approved. Required to use a cap covered cuvette to transfer liquid across the lab.
PS-PMMA use in SNF 08/12/2014 Request to use PS-PMMA in SNF tools. Headway Manual Resist Spinner (headway2) Approved.
PGMEA use in SNF 08/12/2014 Request to use PGMEA in SNF tools. Headway Manual Resist Spinner (headway2) Approved.
Etching Cytop 809M in PT-MTL 07/25/2014 Request to etch Cytop spin on glass in PT-MTL etcher. Plasma Therm Versaline LL ICP Metal Etcher (PT-MTL) Approved. PT-Ox recommended due to CHF3 availability but material is approved for PT-MTL.
Etching T12B SOG in Pt-Ox 07/25/2014 Request to etch T12B spin on glass in PT-OX etcher. Plasma Therm Versaline LL ICP Dielectric Etcher (PT-Ox) Approved.
Etching T12B SOG in PT-MTL 07/25/2014 Request to etch T12B spin on glass in PT-MTL etcher. Plasma Therm Versaline LL ICP Metal Etcher (PT-MTL) Approved. PT-Ox recommended due to CHF3 availability but material is approved for PT-MTL.
Etching FOx-22 in PT-Ox 07/25/2014 Request to etch FOx-22 spin on glass in PT-OX etcher. Plasma Therm Versaline LL ICP Dielectric Etcher (PT-Ox) Approved.
