PROM Request Title | PROM Date | PROM Request Summary | Equipment List | PROM Decision |
Use of EKC 270 in SNF | 02/01/2021 | Request to use new chemical in SNF | Request approved. Please see process staff for details. | |
Form2 Grey Resin | 01/21/2021 | Request to bring in personal Grey resin for use in Mavericks for Form2 | Formlabs Form2 3D Printer (form2-3d-printer) | Request approved. |
PDMS MasterSil- 971LO use in Mavericks | 01/21/2021 | Request to bring new PDMS type into 155. | PDMS Workbench () | Request approved. |
Perovskite Materials for LED Applications- UV Vis Tool | 01/19/2021 | Request to bring in Pb and Cs and I containing materials for use in Room 151 on Jasco | Jasco UV-Vis-NIR (jasco-uv-vis-nir) | Request approved. |
Refractive index measurement on ionic liquid gating condition | 11/23/2020 | Request to bring liquids in to SNF for measurement on Woollam. | Woollam (woollam) | Request approved. |
CMP of Lithium Niobate wafer with silica cladding | 11/23/2020 | Request for non-standard material in CMP. | CMP GnP POLI-400L (cmp) | Request approved. |
Use of Li7La3Zr2O12 in Savannah and MVD | 11/20/2020 | Request to use air sensitive and non-standard substrate in MVD. | MVD (mvd) | Request approved. |
Use of CoCl2 in Laurell-g | 11/20/2020 | Request to use salts in spinner outside of cleanroom (laurell-g) | Request approved. Please see process staff for details. | |
GE Varnish for non-galvanic flip chip bonding | 11/19/2020 | Modified PROM request to use GE Varnish instead of Indium for bonding in flip chip bonder. | Finetech Lambda (flipchipbonder) | Request approved. |
Spincoating and dry etching of PEDOT-PSS | 11/18/2020 | Request to bring in liquid form PEDOT-PSS to spin coat and etch in SNF |
Headway Manual Resist Spinner (headway2), Plasma Therm Versaline LL ICP Dielectric Etcher (PT-Ox), Wet Bench Miscellaneous (wbmiscres) |
Request approved. |