Ta3N5 ALD in Fiji3 |
05/20/2017 |
Request for non-standard processing in Fiji3. Request approved. |
Fiji 3 ALD (fiji3) |
Request approved. Chamber isolation with HfO2 required after processing. |
Electrical Test Equipment for in-cleanroom capacitance test |
05/19/2017 |
Electrical Test Equipment for in-cleanroom capacitance test. Location reviewed with staff. |
Request approved. |
Thick low-temp ALD Al2O3 for Insulating Spacers |
05/17/2017 |
Request for long ALD run outside of standard operating procedure. |
Savannah ALD (savannah) |
Request approved. |
Ammonium Sulfide (NH4)2S, 20% Aqueous solution |
04/21/2017 |
Request and procedure to use (NH4)S into SNF |
PlasmaTherm Shuttlelock PECVD System (ccp-dep) |
Request approved. |
Etch of wafer pieces cut by DISCO Wafersaw in Lampoly |
04/13/2017 |
Procedure to go from wafer saw to clean Lampoly etcher. |
Lam Research TCP 9400 Poly Etcher (lampoly) |
Request approved. |
Deposit LPCVD nitride on 10 nm ALD Al2O3 |
03/21/2017 |
Procedure to go from Fiji1 (semiclean) to LPCVD furnace (clean). |
Fiji 1 ALD (fiji1) |
Request approved. |
Annealing of 1 cm2 GaAs Chip at 450 C in RTA |
03/10/2017 |
Procedure to anneal As containing chips at high temperatures while minimizing safety risk for inhaling As. |
RTA AllWin 610 (aw610_l) |
Request approved. |
Wet Etch Process using Nitric Acid and H2O2 |
03/10/2017 |
Use existing chemicals for Nitric and H2O2 at SNF for non standard process. |
Wet Bench Flexcorr 1 (wbflexcorr-1) |
Request approved. |
Ti3Se resist and AZ400K developer for selective HF etch |
02/09/2017 |
Request to bring new chemicals in for lithography. |
Headway Manual Resist Spinner (headway2) |
Request approved. |
New Chemicals for Lithography |
01/26/2017 |
New chemicals proposed, run sheet and preliminary results documented. |
Request approved. Please see process staff for details. |