Downstream or remote plasma resist removal (also known as ashing) generates the plasma gases outside of the process chamber in order to minimize bombardment of the substrate surface.
The SAMCO etcher is a multifunctional etcher that can operate in either the RIE, plasma etch or Downstream plasma modes
The Matrix plasma asher is used to strip photoresist from contaminated wafers using a combination of oxygen plasma, high power, higher pressure and a heated chuck (platen).
The Gasonics Aura Asher is an automated down stream microwave plasma system used for stripping photoresist of 4 inch wafers in the 'clean' cleanliness group.
Single wafer tool with auto loading from a cassette. Pieces need a pocket carrier wafer for transport. Chuck temperature controls wafer heating.
Single wafer tool with auto loading from a cassette. Pieces need a pocket carrier wafer for transport. Wafers heated by lamps.