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4 inch wafer

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The following is a list of equipment where 4 inch round substrates are allowed.

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Equipment name & NEMO IDsort descending Training Required & Charges Cleanliness Location Notes
Wet Bench Miscellaneous
Wet Bench Miscellaneous Photoresist Training Flexible SNF Cleanroom Paul G Allen L107

Manual development of resist in beakers and Headway (manual resist spinner). SNF approved developers (acid or base). No solvents!

Wet Bench Resist Strip
Wet Bench Resist Strip Clean (Ge), Semiclean, Flexible SNF Cleanroom Paul G Allen L107

Wet Resist Removal: SRS-100 or PRS1000

Wet Bench Solvent Lithography
Lithography Solvent Bench Training Flexible SNF Cleanroom Paul G Allen L107

Manual solvent cleaning of substrates or masks. Teflon coated metal tweezers cleaning.

Woollam Training All SNF Cleanroom Paul G Allen L107
Xactix Xenon Difluoride Etcher
Xactix Xenon Difluoride Etcher Training All SNF Cleanroom Paul G Allen L107

Isotropic Si etching; can be used for backside Si removal on small pieces
